Friday, 19 September 2008

When Gunnhild came into my life and brought with her some wonderful purses

Gunnhild gave me one for my birthday, and I had to ask for the receipe immediately. I also produced my share of them for Christmas that year, and here you can see some of them. They are knitted in different colors of wool. And another yarn is used to make the effects. The receipe had a special size, but I decided to change it and to make purses in different sizes and for different usage. To get them "harder" and to make them keep the shape they are tangled in the washer.

The one I got from Gunnhild was in purple, and has been used quite often. I am planning on producing more of them during october, so I might publish some pictures of more later, and also specify the type of yarn and needles I use.

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