Friday, 2 January 2009

Jacket break

Tone and I made an order at Nøstebarn just before Christmas... And I received it now at the end of 2008. The problem (for the jacket I started on) is that the new blue Askeladden yarn was too tempting, so I started immediately on that too.. But who says that a woman can not have at least two knitting projects (yes, I am aware of the knitted sweather, the crochet project, and the embroderies I have in the basement too). So during New years eve and January 1st I have knitted a lot while playing Settlers and Puerto Rico with my husband, my brother and his girlfriend (who is one of my best friends and met my brother in a certain wedding...). The new project is from Nøstebarn and will be pants and jacket for a boy that will be born in May. I am not following the pattern totally, I decided that the legs will be knitted, and not pearled as the pattern says. Only because I wanted to finish it quicker! I have also decided upon some changes on the jacket, but these will be published when I knit that.

This is how far I came before putting it away...

Askeladden yarn

The top of the pants

And soon it is time to split to knit the legs...

1 comment:

Nunne said...

Artig å se bloggen din!
Hilsen fra Nunne....

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